Less nonsense and bureaucracy and more transparency, concreteness and action.

We currently operate with 6 employees and sell on average 10 000 to 15 000 phones every month.

Who are we?

Second Round was launched in 2018

Second Round was launched in 2018, when founder Rauno Külv, former Sales Manager of Redeem Group (Redeem Nordics), noticed a need in the market for a flexible and dynamic company that could adapt to the needs of the customer. We saw how in most companies, the business processes are static and do not take into account customer preferences. So, we wanted to create a super-flexible company that fully adapts to customer needs and wants. Less empty words and bureaucracy and more transparency, concreteness and action.

This is how Second Round, a wholesaler and buyer of used phones, was born.

Second Round alustas Tartus ühemeheettevõttena, kus Rauno seadmed ise ostis, pakkis ja edasi saatis. Kaua ei läinud aega, et ettevõte edasi areneks ning peagi oli Second Round’il ka uued töötajad ning enda kontor Tartu kesklinnas. Peale seda on ettevõte iga aasta kasvanud mitmekordselt. Hetkel opereerime 6 töötajaga ja müüme keskmiselt 10 000 kuni 15 000 telefoni iga kuu. Kogu selle arengu juures aga ei ole me teinud järeleandmisi teenuse kiiruses, usaldusväärsuses ega personaalsuses. Kliendid, kellega alustasime enda algusaastatel on tänaseni endiselt meie ustavad ja rahulolevad koostööpartnerid.

At Second Round, we stand out from our competitors mainly thanks to our Nordic concreteness.

It is important for us to always be honest and transparent with our customers and partners. We approach our customers not through what they can do for us, but through how we can help our customers. Clients come to us with their criteria and it is our job is to find the best possible solution for them. Most of our clients are large companies from Europe - both from the Nordic countries and Western Europe.

Contact us and we will find a solution to your problem